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Interactive Chinese Korean Version

Interactive Chinese Korean Version

Interactive Chinese Korean Version Interactive Chinese is an integrated learning Chinese software with words, sounds, pictures, animations and music. Interactive Chinese is user friendly designed, content rich, comprehensive tutorial program. This interactive learning Chinese program will make you enthusiastic about learning Chinese.
More than 20 Chinese experts took part in the planning and the editing of this Chinese educational program-books and lessons. More than 100 multimedia experts and programmers worked together to develop this multimedia learning Chinese software. This software is composed of a total number of 300,000 Chinese words and relevant Korean explanations. This program package consists of 16 CD-ROMs and five books.

Subject part: Phonetic (1 CD) Chinese character (1 CD) Text (6 CDs) HSK (1 CD) Vocabulary (1 CD)
Reading part: Tang Dynasty's Poems (1 CD) Song Dynasty's Poems (1 CD) Idioms (1 CD) Prover...
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