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Fish Mate 600 Submersible Pump

Fish Mate 600 Submersible Pump

Fish Mate 600 Submersible Pump A world leading range of energy efficient submerisble pond pumps with output up to 5350 GPH and over 28-feet 10-inch head. Featuring pond-life friendly anti-clog intake design and very low running costs. All pumps include a divertor value and fountain heads., Brand Fish Mate24-foot power cordSolids handling capability up to 3/16-inchIncludes fountain set with 4 optionsAnti-clog intake design580 gph
I purchased this pump as a package deal with the 16 watt bio/uv fish mate filter. It's a great little pump and you can't beat the price. Pump does not come with a filter pad but you can pick one up at places like Lowes or Home Depot. The inlet reciever on the Fishmate filter is a little bit small if you're running a length(5 to 6 feet or more) on a pitch. You might encounter a flow problem. I stepped the size of the inlet up by gluing a coupling onto it and chose a hose size that fit over th...
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