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Solo 475 4-Gallon Professional Diaphragm Backpack Sprayer

Solo 475 4-Gallon Professional Diaphragm Backpack Sprayer

Solo 475 4-Gallon Professional Diaphragm Backpack Sprayer 4-Gallon professional backpack diaphragm sprayer., Brand Solo28-Inch unbreakable wand provides excellent reachExtra large tank openings for easier filling and cleaningChemical resistant seals provide outstanding resistance to harsh chemicalsHigh-performance diaphragm pump for use with wettable powders and liquid formulationsFour-nozzle assortment for multiple spraying tasks
This diaphragm model of the Solo 475 sprayer works well as a sprayer. However it is extremely difficult and maybe impossible to take apart for maintenance. I went to the local dealer that Solo lists as providing repair services in my community. I asked him if they do maintenance and repairs and he said they don't because they are too difficult to work on. I decided to take it apart myself and do the maintenance. So far I have been unable to remove the pressure cylinder from the unit. I went to Solo's website and...
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