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Gobble & Go Hippo

Gobble & Go Hippo

Gobble & Go Hippo Your baby will have hours of fun gobbling up Fisher-Price Peek-a-Blocks with this adorable hippo walker that converts to a ride-on as baby grows. Pull the yellow seat up to form a push bar, and then press it back down to let the riding fun begin. Push the hippo friend along, and he'll "gobble" the blocks from the floor. There are five included Peek-a-Blocks that will keep little hands and minds occupied with bright discoveries inside the blocks., Brand Fisher-PriceLots of block storage space, tooAge Range 9 Months-2 YearsEarly walkers can push it along to steady first steps and encourage movementIncludes five delightful Peek-a-Blocks with favorite foods inside-cereal, broccoli, carrots, pie, and a PB&J sandwichThe hippo's head bobs up and down as he gobbles up blocks
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