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Law & Order Criminal Intent - The Third Year

Law & Order Criminal Intent - The Third Year

Law & Order Criminal Intent - The Third Year LAW & ORDER:CRIMINAL INTENT SEASON 3 - DVD Movie, Brand Universal Studios
Just a message to all you Criminal Intent die hards waiting patiently for Season 2 to be released. THE WAIT IS OVER ! Universal just announced that season 2 will be released on December 12: Full Screen (boo!) - We want Widescreen! Dolby 2.0 (boo!) - Where's 5.1? 5 Single Sided Discs in Slim Cases and outer box (yeah!) - Finally no more Double Sided Discs! Now the folks at L&O still have a lot of work ahead of them: L&O Seasons 5-13, 15-current SVU Seasons 3-4, 6-current CI Seasons 4-current still need to be released. Do us a favor: Single Sided discs, Widescreen, and 5.1 audio, please!, 'Law & Order: Criminal Intent' is one great cop show. With a detective like Goren to surprise us every week with his skills is something to behold. Which, of course, in the real world means this series has incredible writers...
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