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Dilbert: 2012 Day-to-Day Calendar

Dilbert: 2012 Day-to-Day Calendar

Dilbert: 2012 Day-to-Day Calendar If you work in an office, chances are you know (or are) a Dilbert, Wally, Alice, or--heaven forbid--a Pointy-Haired Boss. Scott Adams's immediately recognizable characters from his phenomenally popular comic strip Dilbert scream "It's you!" at cubicle dwellers everywhere, whether through the Boss's lame attempts at buzz-speak or Dilbert's detached amusement at the absurdity surrounding him. The daily Dilbert 2012 Day-to-Day Calendar offers a year of relatable hilarity, no matter which character you work next to.(c) 2011 Scott Adams, Inc. Licensed by Peanuts Worldwide LLC
If you are new to Dilbert, is a little guy who works in a very bureaucratic personnel. Comic satire of office politics well. The humor is very similar to the TV series The Office, Dilbert, but it was the original. I give the Dilbert daily calendar for my father every Christmas. Manages and very happy to read a new Dilbe...
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